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Title of the paper: A Low-overhead PUF based on Parallel Scan DesignIntegrating an optimised PUF-based authentication scheme in OSCORE

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Table of Contents


  • CoAP specifies mainly protocol security based on the transport layer through DTLS.

  • OSCORE (Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments) has been recently defined to support end-to-end protection of RESTful interactions over the CoAP protocol. It was designed for constrained devices and networks supporting a range of proxy operations, including translation between different transport protocols.

  • The main challenge presents in OSCORE is the establishment and exchange of pre-shared keys required to protect data. For that, this paper defines how use an optimised version of SRAM-based PUF (Physical Unclonable Functions) for a secure authentication, key establishment and exchanging model.


  • and 6TiSCH, an efficient protocol stack that runs over IEEE 802.15.4 radios, what are they using?

  • 6TiSCH, an efficient protocol stack that runs over IEEE 802.15.4 radios, not mentioned in the paper.

  • They used SRAM PUF for authentication by storing CRPs on server

  • In my work, we will use SRAM PUF to build a root of trust, and generate keys which can be shared