

  1. @David Burnett

  2. @Sara Faour

  3. @Fil Maksimovic

  4. Brandon Hippe (PSU)

  5. Jacob Louie (PSU)


  • @David Burnett

    • SCuM BLE RX code exchange walkthrough

    • Brandon’s matched filter results preview

    • Reminder about summer intern count: up to 5

  • @Sara Faour

    • Evaluating TMVS for extracting SRAM PUF using SCuM data, and comparing to theoretical proofs derived previously (python)

      • Probability of selection

      • BER → does not perfectly match theoretical values, still below 10-6 (working on that )

      • Promising memory requirements (~0.5kB flash and <0.5kB SRAM)

  • @Titan Yuan

    • Interesting frequency estimation papers from ICASSP

      • Building simulations in python that look promising

    • Using IWR6843 radar w antenna in package from TI; TI provides only a GUI. Playing around with SDK to make things easier to use. Thanks to Johnathan from KU Leuven.

    • Assembling 40 scums with JLPCB

  • @Fil Maksimovic

    • Compiled SCuM code within Keil using GCC 6, fixed stdio errors, built it. Do not use L1 optimization because it removes lots of busywaits, ruins the scanchain, etc. GCC 6 enables building more modern code so we can include modern libraries

  • Jacob

    • Heads-up C99 flag needs to be added to all projects if using the modern SCuM code base
