Kristofer PISTER started the meeting by announcing that the only thing that matters right now is getting working boards in the hands of the people who need them.

Andrew Fearing should get a quote for board fab today. Andrew will help Josh through that process.

Joshua Alexander and David Burnett will finalize Josh’s board design.

Kristofer PISTER will work with Lydia Lee and David Burnett to figure out if we can send the boards out for SMT assembly after the boards are wirebonded. Josh’s board may need to have a pre-packaged SMT SCuM assembled at the same time as all of the other components. Austin Patel will check to see how the Q boards were made.

Austin Patel will order components

Mark will verify UART loop-back on the NRF board.

Mark will verify that the NRF board starts up with all SCuM-facing voltages (VBAT, UART, 3 wire bus, program select, GPIO, etc.) below 1.8v. Said Alvarado-Marin may be able to do this when he gets back to the lab.

Said Alvarado-Marin has ordered new hardware for lighthouse RX and written some software for planar localization from a single lighthouse. Austin Patel will send him a pointer to the code that Brian Kilberg wrote.