Hani Gomez
Mailing list finally alive
2x papers to https://apccas2024.org/ due today
1 finished, 1 needs final review by me
1x papers to https://2024.ieee-sensorsconference.org/
Finished 45 minutes before the deadline
ISSCC ad: “**Innovative Submissions Wanted:** We encourage contributions that offer novel circuit and system architectures, even if they don't feature best-in-class metrics. Your unique perspectives, challenges to fundamental trade-offs, and new research directions are exactly what we're looking for!”
Finished with ASEE 2024 conference https://www.asee.org/events/Conferences-and-Meetings/2024-Annual-Conference
Thesis statement of talk: it’s too hard to make things wireless; let’s sponsor a series of capstone projects to smooth down the process.
Seems like a good educational thread to pull on in parallel with circuit design. Integrate with EE517 Instrumentation and Sensing course next year?
Move completed next Tuesday
Presented today at ISCC conference
TMVS: Threshold-based Majority Voting Scheme for Robust SRAM PUFs. Sara Faour, Malisa Vucinic, Filip Maksimovic, David C. Burnett, Paul Muhlethaler, Thomas Watteyne, Kristofer Pister. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Paris, 26-29 June 2024.
progressing on TMVS extension
comparison to previous works
changed target from BER=10e-6 to Failure Rate=10e-6
found the optimal case reaching this target with memory trade-off
compared to repetition loss, much lower entropy loss