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Branches (and functionality/notes for each)

Github Repository Link

Main PisterLab repository


- Quick Cal implementation (source code on SCuM) (source code on OpenMote)

- Main changes in applications/freq_sweep_rx_tx (802.15.4 tx/rx)

- Additions to make LC frequency sweeping easier (fixed Tx/Rx mode or sweep range)

- Support for manual optical calibration settings

- Low-power mode support (reduced clock speed before radio operation) for use with solar panel power

- Temperature-based LC compensation and temperature estimation (32kHz and 2MHz clock ratio approach)

- Code support for MEMS device actuation on SARA board with Zappy solar panel (zappy2.c)

- Acknowledgement support after packet received

Titan’s repository

- Random data and plots in scum

- Support optical LC frequency calibration

- Enables temperature calibration using the 32kHz and 2MHz clock ratio

- Transmit BLE packets while tuning the LO frequency using the temperature estimate

- Main changes in applications/ble_tx and ble.c

- Enables custom BLE packet assembly and transmission

- Main changes in applications/ble_tx_154_rx, applications/ble_tx_154_rx_track_if, and applications/ble_tx_154_rx_track_mean

- Allows SCuM to receive 802.15.4 packets and re-broadcast the contents as a BLE packet

- Uses the 802.15.4 RX IF frequency (applications/ble_tx_154_rx_track_if) or the fine codes of received 802.15.4 packets (applications/ble_tx_154_rx_track_mean) to tune the BLE TX frequency

Tengfei’s repository

- Continuously calibration for 2MHz RC OSC frequency and the LC OSC frequency of both TX and RX

- PR:

- Continuously calibration for LC RX frequency using IF estimate

- PR: