Raw sweep data gathered by Titan Yuan.

LC_frequency sweep vs. LC coarse, mid, fine

count_LC vs. LC coarse, mid, and fine codes (LC_code is a 15-bit integer: {coarse[4:0], mid[4:0], fine[4:0]})

Sweep parameters:

To use this data in Python:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> data = np.load("LC_sweep_data_20190921_201251.npz")
>>> data.files
['LC_code', 'coarse', 'mid', 'fine', 'counts_LC']
>>> data['counts_LC']
array([221315, 221325, 221335, ..., 264747, 264753, 264767])
>>> coarse, mid, fine, LC_code, counts_LC = data['coarse'], data['mid'], data['fine'], data['LC_code'], data['counts_LC']

Counters vs. temperature

count_32k, count_HFclock, count_2M, count_LC, count_IF vs. temperature

Sweep parameters:

To use this data in Python:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> data = np.load("all_counters_temp_data_20190913_194220.npz")
>>> data.files
['counts_32k', 'counts_HFclock', 'counts_2M', 'counts_LC', 'counts_IF', 'temperature']
>>> data['temperature']
array([29.88, 30.69, 30.69, ..., 25.81, 25.81, 25.75])
>>> counts_32k, counts_HFclock, counts_2M, counts_LC, counts_IF, temperature = data['counts_32k'], data['counts_HFclock'], data['counts_2M'], data['counts_LC'], data['counts_IF'], data['temperature']

2M and 32k counters vs. temperature

count_32k, count_2M vs. temperature

Sweep parameters:

To use this data in Python:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> data = np.load("2M_32k_counter_temp_data_20191020_190447.npz")
>>> data.files
['counts_2M', 'counts_32k', 'temperature']
>>> data['temperature']
array([28.13, 28.13, 28.19, ..., 26.19, 26.19, 26.19])
>>> counts_32k, counts_2M, temperature = data['counts_32k'], data['counts_2M'], data['temperature']

2M and 32k counters vs. time

count_32k, count_2M over 45 minutes (~24000 values)

Sweep parameters:

To use this data in Python:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> data = np.load("2M_32k_counter_data_20191113_211305.npz")
>>> data.files
['counts_2M', 'counts_32k']
>>> len(data['counts_2M'])
>>> counts_32k, counts_2M = data['counts_32k'], data['counts_2M']