@Andrew Fearing
@Thomas Watteyne
@Martina Balbi
@Said Alvarado-Marin
@Razanne Abu-Aisheh
@David Burnett
@Kristofer PISTER
@Fil Maksimovic
@David Burnett @Fil Maksimovic
interest in working with mobile gas sensing
mobile H2S robots in a refinery?
@Fil Maksimovic
discussing about FOMU platform, which we received at Inria Fomu
working on Lighthouse 2 localization using the nRF; code is on GitHub!
@Razanne Abu-Aisheh
DCOSS paper accpted as a 3-page extended abstract + poster
submitted paper to https://mrs2021.org/
MRS looks like a great community to present out work to
@Said Alvarado-Marin
DotBot PCB working!
worked on super simple nRF board
@Martina Balbi
developed a “DotBot” BLE service working on the nRF!
@Thomas Watteyne
taught a course on IoT at ENSTA Paris, using the SmartMesh hardware
check out summary video at https://www.dropbox.com/s/2eknjz5w1iwwpu3/210401_ensta_iot_v01.mp4?dl=0