@David Burnett
@Joshua Alexander
@Fil Maksimovic
@Austin Patel
@Alex Moreno
@Kristofer PISTER
@David Burnett Student was able to use the github instructions provided last week (Sulu Programming With nRF Setup linked via https://github.com/PisterLab/scum-test-code) to program nRF to run at 1.8 V.
@Fil Maksimovic Working out github merge conflicts in function name, file name, etc.
@Kristofer PISTER Trying to figure out how to merge all code in a compatible way that allows different flavors
Current mutually exclusive settings include 15.4 vs BLE TX, CPU speed (~10 MHz) needed for lighthouse
@Austin Patel Looks like functions after initialize_mote() are flexible/reconfigurable
Ran bsp 01 function; needed to lengthen the delay between packet and ack to get to work on SCuM. Also needed to enable the RX state machine for some unknown reason.
@Joshua Alexander More boards assembled, 7 fully tested