Software Workflow

Software Workflow

This page documents the SCuM software workflow.

Play around!

We have set up the following so you can learn and test the workflow:

Workflow for Contributors

  • Fork the target repository

  • Create an issue

    • Go to https://crystalfree.atlassian.net/secure/BrowseProjects.jspa and select the project you are working on

    • Click the “+“ on the left bar of the page to create an issue in Jira system

      • Fill the Summary of the issue and the description if necessary

      • Assignee to yourself if you are the one working on the issue

      • Click “Create“ to create an issue

      • In the issue page, change the STATUS to IN PROGRESS

  • Work on the issue

    • Clone the repo just forked on your local computer with following command:

      • git clone https://github.com/[GitHub Account]/demo_github_jenkins_repo

    • By default, you will be on “master“ branch. Create a new branch based on the “master“ branch. Use a name starting with the issue ID, such as, “SW-4”. This allows Jira hook the branch link in the issue page.

      • git branch # make sure you are on master branch

      • git checkout -b [name_of_your_new_branch] # create a new branch

    • You will work on the issue/task and commit your code into the created new branch. Use commit message starting with issue ID, such as “SW-4. fix…“, allows Jira system hook the commit link in the issue page.

  • Create a pull request

    • When you resolve your issue or finish the task, make sure you have commit all your work to the branch and push the changes to GitHub with following command

      • git push origin [name_of_your_new_branch]

    • Go to https://github.com/[GitHub Account]/demo_github_jenkins_repo in a browser

    • Select your branch in the branch drop box on the left side of the page

    • Click “New pull request“ button next to the branch drop box

    • Make sure the target branch is https://github.com/changtengfei/demo_github_jenkins_repo:master

    • Review the changes and click “Create pull request“ when you are satisfied with your changes.

    • Go to the issue page and change the STATUS to RESOLVED

  • Verify the tests pass

    • Your repository contains the tests to run (see pytest Infrastructure )

    • Opening a pull request causes the Jenkins build to start and test your branch, automatically. The result of that test appears directly in the PR on GitHub.

    • You can make further changes to your code. Each time you push your code, Jenkins kicks in again.

Workflow for Reviewers

  • Review the code

    • Log into your GitHub account

    • Go to repo: https://github.com/changtengfei/demo_github_jenkins_repo

    • Go to the “Pull Requests” Tab and open the PR you would like to review

    • At the bottom of the “Conversation” page, the status shows the checks status by the Jenkins builder. The PR can only be merged when all checks passed unless you do know what is the consequence to merge the PR that doesn’t pass the checks.

    • The “Files changed“ pages detailed the changes made by the PR. Review and comment about the changes before merging

      • Keep discussing any changes related to the code on the GitHub site to track the story

  • Merge the code

    • When both Admin and developer(s) agree there is no further changes required to the PR, you can click the green “Merge pull request“ button to merge the PR

    • Go to the linked issue page, close the issue by change the STATUS to CLOSED


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