SRAM PUF Reliability

SRAM PUF Reliability

To guarantee SRAM PUF reliability, state-of-the-art articles use ECC (fuzzy extractor) and/or pre-selection techniques https://crystalfree.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SaraPhD/pages/2338717699 :

  1. ECC

    1. Polar codes: A Robust SRAM-PUF Key Generation Scheme Based on Polar Codes

    2. based on Hashing and BCH: Lightweight (Reverse) Fuzzy Extractor with Multiple Referenced PUF Responses

    3. BCH: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiwse6n79H_AhVMTqQEHUzXD_YQFnoECBEQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Frepository.tudelft.nl%2Fislandora%2Fobject%2Fuuid%253A4f879ecf-95d5-4482-8931-8c40abde0e79&usg=AOvVaw0n3HcX2dWx6for1QIi5yX8&opi=89978449

    4. Repetition code: A Microcontroller SRAM-PUF

    5. HC (Hamming Code) / Golay2412 (corrects up to 3 errors for each 12 bits) / Repetition Code: PUF for the Commons: Enhancing Embedded Security on the OS Level

  2. Pre-selection

    1. alheyasat19weak

    2. Error reduction of SRAM-based physically unclonable function for chip authentication

    3. A reliable PUF in a dual function SRAM

    4. Systematic Correlation and Cell Neighborhood Analysis of SRAM PUF for Robust and Unique Key Generation

    5. one VDD/temperature measure: A Method to Improve Reliability in a 65-nm SRAM PUF Array

    6. Fourier analysis: A Novel Security Key Generation Method for SRAM PUF Based on Fourier Analysis

    7. according to MF and SD: Estimation during Design Phases of Suitable SRAM Cells for PUF Applications Using Separatrix and Mismatch Metrics

  3. Both: ECC+preselection

    1. A Proof of Concept SRAM-based Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) Key Generation Mechanism for IoT Devices

  4. Modified SRAM design (hardening)

    1. Analysis and reduction of SRAM PUF Bit Error Rate

    2. On Improving Reliability of SRAM-Based Physically Unclonable Functions

    3. hardening +ECC: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0026269220304432 → Typical constructions comprise a repetition code (C rep) followed by a Reed-Muller code (RM) to obtain a failure rate Pfail <10−6.

    4. hardening +ECC: A 0.19pJ/b PVT-Variation-Tolerant Hybrid Physically Unclonable Function Circuit for 100% Stable Secure Key Generation in 22nm CMOS

    5. new SRAM design + ECC: An SRAM-Based PUF With a Capacitive Digital Preselection for a 1E-9 Key Error Probability

  5. Improving reliability through power-up control

    1. Power-up control techniques for reliable SRAM PUF

Both of these methods require using NVM memory to store the calculated helper-data (memory-map resp).

Memory-map can be generated at each time → should be the same

In fact using a pre-selection method is good to distinguish between bits used as RNG and PUF, but this requires lots of computations, to obtain an RNG using a hash function with any bunch of bits is sufficient.

Interesting Facts

  • helper data is public and can be stored on a remote server, see https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10207-023-00668-0 where the protocol is explained, they used the fact of turning off the power for a short time after putting all the values to 1, but with some change in the hardware design of the SRAM memory → ECC+pre-selection

  • Power-up control techniques for reliable SRAM PUF → The authors propose simple power-up control schemes to improve the reproducibility of SRAM PUFs that can be fully integrated on chip, and confirm their effectiveness both in simulation and measurements. In this section, two power-up sequence control techniques are proposed: 1) utilizing the characteristics of the transistors in the sub-threshold region, and 2) manipulating the voltage ramp-up speed during the power-up sequence. Both techniques minimize the effect of circuit noise on the evaluation process and achieve an optimal operating point in terms of PUF cell reliability.

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