@David Burnett
@Fil Maksimovic
@Sara Faour
@Thomas Watteyne
discussion about DISCOVER-US launch
good opportunity?
making sure papers are archived in IEEEXplore
discussion about Jacob’s exciting next steps
discussion about screaming channels
we see the same activity on SCuM when using an external clocks
we see the CPU activity when it happens only when using an external clock (goes away when using the SCuM internal clock)
initial work Raphaël Simoes (https://aio.inria.fr/team/ )
preparing a submission to the https://crystalfreeiot.hkust-gz.edu.cn/
initial work Blaz Korecic Amador (https://aio.inria.fr/team/)
discussion to @Titan Yuan about limitation on number of bytes that can be exchanged over UART with the nRF-DK on Linux/Mac vs. Windows
discussion about current work by Tengfei’s team
nRF+TS4231 expements running
looking to replicate on SCuM
@Sara Faour progressing on the new method of extracting SRAM PUF, found a trick to reduce the size of required SRAM memory considerably