@David Burnett
@Sara Faour
@Thomas Watteyne
@Titan Yuan
π day
@David Burnett (still) in discussion with large US team about tapeout class tool development
WiCRo ongoing w/ @Fil Maksimovic
Strange openserial_print behavior (no printing)
Has anyone demonstrated requesting an OpenWSN node perform action via the internet?
Potential funding to teach a microfabrication seminar. vFabLab and…?
@Fil Maksimovic
@Titan Yuan
New python parser to work with packets printed over serial on root node. Successfully parsing uinject packets that come off the mote. Can also send commands to a node to set it as the root. Could also use this function to send data to other nodes instead of a dagroot set command.
@Sara Faour
Working on logistics for HK workshop.
Registration will be open “very soon” https://cps-iot-week2024.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/registration.php#main