@David Burnett
Blaz Korecic
@Titan Yuan
@Sara Faour
@Fil Maksimovic
@David Burnett
GFMPW-1 update; not selected
Papers for HK workshop coming together
@Titan Yuan
Smart Stake work: SCuM PWM for voltammetry
Showed some interesting results for the differential mesh variance calculation
Bringup of SCUMV-23 scheduled for Feb in time to prepare a HK workshop submission
@Sara Faour
Improved the secret key method to be 3x more efficient
Working on HK workshop submission
@Fil Maksimovic
Introducing Blaz, intern from Chile
Working on making code cleaner, migrating from malloc to static allocation.
@Titan Yuan suggested making a union like he uses for sensor types w/ a switch case that operates on an enum
Submitted MQTT paper for OpenSwarm
Preparing proposal