@David Burnett
@Sara Faour
@Fil Maksimovic
Brandon Hippe (PSU)
Jacob Louie (PSU)
@David Burnett
SCuM BLE RX code exchange walkthrough
Brandon’s matched filter results preview
Reminder about summer intern count: up to 5
@Sara Faour
Evaluating TMVS for extracting SRAM PUF using SCuM data, and comparing to theoretical proofs derived previously (
)Probability of selection
BER → does not perfectly match theoretical values, still below 10-6 (working on that )
Promising memory requirements (~0.5kB flash and <0.5kB SRAM)
@Titan Yuan
Interesting frequency estimation papers from ICASSP
Building simulations in python that look promising
Using IWR6843 radar w antenna in package from TI; TI provides only a GUI. Playing around with SDK to make things easier to use. Thanks to Johnathan from KU Leuven.
Assembling 40 scums with JLPCB
@Fil Maksimovic
Compiled SCuM code within Keil using GCC 6, fixed stdio errors, built it. Do not use L1 optimization because it removes lots of busywaits, ruins the scanchain, etc. GCC 6 enables building more modern code so we can include modern libraries
Heads-up C99 flag needs to be added to all projects if using the modern SCuM code base