@Kristofer PISTER
@Felipe Campos
@Meera Lester
@Jove Yuan
@Titan Yuan
@Ahad Rauf
@Alex Moreno
@Thomas Watteyne [remote]
@Tengfei Chang [remote]
Action Items
@Kristofer PISTER
Brian was able to get sweeping going
update about flex PCB: 3C, 377 battery clip, chip antenna. What other boards do people need?
calibration: 2 orthogonal axes of progress:
1) understanding/implementing the best way of doing spectrum analyzer-free calibration
2) doing something simple/practical to get demos working.
For now, keep thinking about 1, but focus on 2. let’s get a temp sensor demo
Lydia and Alex are trying to get more dev boards
what would you want?
SCuM and zappy2, we should be able to bond them to get them running with one sun illumination
get chatty on the ML
test program that exercises everything in the chip
just writing 1’s and 0’s to memory, and see if problem
because of the loopback capability, we could do stuff with the GPIOs
test program should run on any chip
send ideas for boards to ML
@Felipe Campos battery-less SCuM
LDO regulators
discussion about mechanical coil oscillation
discussion about having someone from EE140 to design support chips for SCuM
@Kristofer PISTER : send ideas about support chips to ML
next steps: send packets
2mm x 2mm printed, at C/20 discharge 120 uAh, starts at 4V, drops down to 3V. A student could turn the 3-4V . 1-2h of lifetime,
50 uA / MHz is the Cortex
260/310 uA is what we measure, 3.3 MHz, bringing down the uC speed would shave off 150 uA
optical receiver is running now
discussion about how cost of sending beacons
@Meera Lester
questions for Lydia
use ADC to confirm sine wave input
@Kristofer PISTER : please use ML
SCuM interrupts are level sensitive, if you don’t disable the GPIOs, it keeps firing
@Jove Yuan optical programmer upgrade
ordered high-power LEDs, will arrive later this week
using laser to do optical calibration, successful programming disables optical calibration
is something in the code disabling
discussion about hello world application, believe works with IR LED
analysis of the behavior of
, analysis of a calibration packet, 500/500/2/2 are cycles in Brad’s code. Laser does transmit the right thing, unclear what happens. The optical receiver receives the bits correctly.
@Thomas Watteyne
presents update about Jenkins integration
@Kristofer PISTER : should we standardize an IE which contains the frequency error?