

  1. @David Burnett

  2. @Sara Faour

  3. @Titan Yuan


  • @Titan Yuan discussed the ARPA-E presentation

    • Channel calibration was tough to get working. Outstanding error where OpenMote sometimes doesn’t receive something we think it should. Titan’s hunch is that it’s a timing error; room was 70 F which is a bit warmer than Titan usually tests.

    • Workaround was hardcoding tuning code

    • Energy folks were more interested in the sensor/sensing system rather than SCuM. A few bites about SCuM though!

    • Planning to get mesh network running over the summer

  • @Sara Faour is collating all the ideas from the SCuM security email thread

    • Position paper is mostly hardware attacks so far but we want network and upper layer attacks too

    • Getting started using SCuM; Hello World working so far

    • Able to read out SRAM data and sees some random values!