- 1 Attendees
- 2 Action Items
- 3 Updates
@David Burnett
@Fil Maksimovic
@Tengfei Chang
@Titan Yuan
Action Items
@David Burnett
Surface-mount battery clip breaking off; just received through-hole versions and new PCBs yesterday
L18 chip runs for 52 minutes on one size 337 battery until VBAT = 1.29 V. Approx 1.6 mAh extracted of 8.3 mAh expected. Likely explained by average current >1 mA due to continuous TX.
Across ~10 chips, initial power-on current (idle current before optical programming) is in the 200’s to 300’s of uA. At 42 uA/MHz, CPU should consume around 200 uA. SRAM leakage is expected to be 19 uA. Power-on current is in the general range of expectations.
@Tengfei Chang
Working to use nRF for SCuM calibration only, eliminating the necessary OpenMote currently
TBD whether referencing RF timer, chipping clock, etc., to an external crystal solves nRF’s inability to hear long packets. (Hearing short packets is OK, PDR worsens as packets lengthen.)
Would be great to eliminate the standalone UART RX that is needed to see SCuM printf statements, too