

  1. @David Burnett

  2. @Fil Maksimovic

  3. @Thomas Watteyne

  4. @Sara Faour

  5. @Titan Yuan

  6. @Daniel Lovell


  • @David Burnett

    • Student working with Tarak Arbi for summer

    • Goal is to apply Tarak’s phase and frame synchronization techniques to improve BER for a given noisy oscillator

  • @Thomas Watteyne

    • Workshop rolling forward!

  • @Sara Faour

    • Paper deadline extended to July 16

    • Reading about methods to improve SRAM robustness. Some methods use error correction, some measure cell stability over temp and voltage and only use the most stable cells

  • @Titan Yuan

    • Spent some time trying to compile with armgcc instead of Keil

    • Core issue seems to be linking against standard libraries. Keil’s libraries are for a different Arm CPU and standard libraries included with armgcc end up producing 110 kB binary

  • @Fil Maksimovic

    • Preparing talk for delivery June 28 in Chile