@David Burnett
@Tengfei Chang
@Fil Maksimovic
@David Burnett
GFMPW-1 tapeout submitted Overview - dburnett/WEST-1 - Efabless Repo
MOScaps not natively supported?
Final project list includes single ended ring, differential ring, opamp driver, matched filter for BLE and 15.4, BLE decoder state machine, LC tank (maybe; inductor was causing DRC violations), scattered NMOS transistors for etching experiments.
@Titan Yuan
Continuing bringup and hoping to submit bringup results to HK workshop
Theorizing about how briefly grounding the drain of the PMOS pass device in an LDO might cause LDO regulation issues
ICASSP paper accepted!!
@Fil Maksimovic
Back from GLOBECOMM. Got questions after his talk!
Chaired a session about federated learning