@David Burnett
@Sara Faour
@Fil Maksimovic
@Daniel Lovell
@Titan Yuan
@David Burnett
More GitHub pull requests from students
Likely to attend DARPA ERI 2.0 in Seattle next month https://eri-summit.darpa.mil/2023-agenda
ENSTA project moving forward successfully
@Fil Maksimovic
Returns from Chile
Slide deck may be a nice primer on RF design for @David Burnett 's students
Advising two teams on entries for https://ieee-cas.org/2022-2023-cass-student-design-competition-official-rules
Attended some of the Free Silicon conference https://wiki.f-si.org/index.php/FSiC2023
Recommended looking at https://github.com/mabrains and Staf Verhaegen’s work re: LDO generators
@Daniel Lovell
Slides about SCuM3C work in EEG in MRI project
Maybe found a typo in his new rftimer implementation
@Sara Faour
Looking into likelihood of observing key activity through supply voltage disturbances
@Titan Yuan
Solved issues with OpenMote “incorrect information element” issues thanks to conversations with @Tengfei Chang. Sounds like the OpenMote sends two types of packets, not just enhanced beacons.
Open call for experiments to run in a corn field!