@David Burnett
@Sara Faour
@Titan Yuan
@Sara Faour
Discussed bit flip problem and recommended some further experiments. Seems like a long sequence with only 2 choices should result in good recovery but simulation not showing that right now
@Thomas Watteyne
Emailed updates: Trifun is now Dr. Trifun, submitted paper with Danny to SenSys, still working on video and paper from the workshop
@Titan Yuan
ITAS ADC paper submitted, Nov or Oct response expected
Discussed POP issues with multiplying two 32-bit numbers
@Sara Faour wants a new intern re: low-level security to think about running AES on SCuM. But it may have issues with long integer multiplication that we need to fix.
Tiny AES is the current implementation target
Floating point conversion to integer may crash the chip right now