

  • @Fil Maksimovic

  • @Titan Yuan

  • @Thomas Watteyne


  • workshop tutorial prep @Fil Maksimovic

    • inventory

      • @Fil Maksimovic has 8x SCuM boards

      • @Titan Yuan has 5x SCuM boards

      • Jacob has more?

    • we need to ask people to bring dongles/hubs so they have 2x USB A’s on their laptop

      • power nRF board

      • UART to nRF

      • UART to SCuM with FTDI dongle

    • outline of the tutorial

      • WIP with Jacob

      • step 1

        • intro to SCuM

      • step 2

        • intro Keil

        • hello world program

        • bootload SCuM through nRF

        • SCuM prints hello world

      • step 3

        • SCuM wireless to OpenMote

      • room layout

        • over lunch, move tables so we have 12 2-people tables

  • workshop prep @Thomas Watteyne

    • 3x lunches