@Joshua Alexander
@David Burnett
@Fil Maksimovic
@Alex Moreno
@Said Alvarado-Marin
Action Items
@Joshua Alexander Testing of L24 and L25 immediately after last meeting went well, no showstoppers found
Materials for 12 more boards dropped off with Digicom yesterday
Delay was to test packaged SCuM ICs to ensure boards would be assembled with functioning SCuMs given a shortage of DC-DC converters
Component shortage is becoming an issue with 1.8V DC-DC (Ablic S-85S1AB18-I6T1U) and corresponding inductor after checking Digikey, Mouser, Arrow, and other google hits along the way.
Options include using 1.5 DC-DC at the cost of not being able to power the IMU
Approx 30 mins setup plus 12 mins per packaged SCuM test; estimating 7 hours for 23 packages left to go
Six probes: power, gnd, boot source sel, 3wb data/enb/clk
Digicom should be finished with assembly Fri or Mon
Recommending testing early and often to trace back any problems that are discovered during assembly
@Alex Moreno Printed battery results presented
@Said Alvarado-Marin dotbot is alive!
@Fil Maksimovic Writing rapid SCuM auto-calibration code