@Thomas Watteyne
@Austin Patel
@Alex Moreno
@Fil Maksimovic
@David Burnett
discussion about GM between @Alex Moreno and @Fil Maksimovic
@Austin Patel
not too many SCuM updates
@Fil Maksimovic
started doing time experiments on SCuM network (2x SCuM)
characterize how sync’ed the SCuM are to one another, and to OpenMote, as a function of frequency of EBs
OpenMote-SCuM-SCuM network runs, even with a 16b EB period
@Thomas Watteyne
very large Horizon Europe OpenSwarm project accepted! 6M
SCuM-related workshop in late Spring 2023 in Paris?
Inria allocated some extra funds to associate team; I can ask to move to next year
will be in Thailand next week
@David Burnett
Orienting new summer student today to work on SCuM power consumption in different modes
Probe station components coming together to work with individual dice without requiring PCBs, packages, etc.
PDK NDAs for cloud IC design tool use moving along
Silicon Labs Austria open-source IC design tool workshop happening all of August in Linz and remotely