

  1. @David Burnett

  2. @Yichen Liu

  3. @Austin Patel

  4. @Yu-Chi Lin

  5. @Fil Maksimovic

  6. @Daniel Lovell

  7. @Kristofer PISTER


  • @David Burnett

    • Student is able to run simple programs on a loop without needing to tap a tap chip

  • @Kristofer PISTER

    • All-call for SCuM features in a new tapeout class chip

      • @Daniel Lovellhas a list incl low-power options and some radio improvements

      • E.g., More resolution on the chipping clock when receiving

  • @Yu-Chi Lin showed a tapeout timeline; schematic needs to be done this semester to make it to tapeout deadline next semester

  • @Daniel Lovell

    • QP mis-packaged ICs with opaque epoxy, OK for Sulu but bad for localization

    • MEMS contact sensing looking good so far but devices were dirty and results were inconclusive. Pre-charging output to high and waiting several seconds maintains a digital high on the GPIO input buffer. Would be good to test for how long that charge lasts (data tops out at ~3 s wait time).

    • Good to test what the threshold voltage of the GPIO drivers is too.

  • @Alex Moreno

    • Maybe seeing modulation. 2.4 GHz LO (RF LO after division) changes by 61 MHz when varying supply between 1.8 V and 1.35 V. Also shifting VREF voltage but didn’t have much impact.

  • @Fil Maksimovic

    • IF clock and chipping clock might be slightly misaligned, which would explain low PDR in some situations. IF clock seems to be an outlier in its response to temperature/supply variation vs. the chipping clock and RF Timer (CPU-derived) clock.