@David Burnett
@Joshua Alexander
@Fil Maksimovic
@Tengfei Chang
@Kristofer PISTER
@Austin Patel
@Thomas Watteyne
@Andrew Fearing
@Alex Moreno
@Fil Maksimovic
traveling to Berkeley tomorrow
2/3 boards boot optically, GPIOs and UARTs appear to work
0/3 boot over 3wb. GPIOs that should replicate 3wb signals do not replicate input signal patterns
is set correctly@Tengfei Chang 's board test still pending
@Joshua Alexander indicates L37 was one of the 5 Sulu boards that we thought didn't work, but completely swapping out the jumpers used made it suddenly behave as expected. It did still have a noticeably lower current than expected even after swapping those out. Maybe there is some sort of issue rooted in there? I know, on my end, it worked consistently for hours in a row.
merge of the code is 99% done, intimidating to press the merge button, will be nice to merge that into the
branch. @Austin Patel can help with setting up a Pull Request and have 1-2 people review. @Tengfei Chang offers to review PR once created.
Able to run SCM3C power simulations but must use IC version greater than 6.1.5
6.1.7 should not be used due to strange disappearing via behavior observed and other issues with other designs
Starting to tabulate simulation-appropriate drive and load for correct setup at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ItQG5zL0X3Ym7JV20NmK857yvM6fV7uZha9RrxTSoSE/edit#gid=0
Summary of issues with
seems like a good thing to prepare@Austin Patel
helped Charles getting up and running with SCuM, board fully working, indicated how to add files
@Andrew Fearing
discussion about getting the ADC to get working
@David Burnett on a student’s desk to get that working again
@Kristofer PISTER expected accuracy? 0-0.5V? looking forward to hearing from student