@Brian Kilberg
@Thomas Watteyne
@Timothy Claeys
@Tengfei Chang
@Titan Yuan
@Alex Moreno
@Brian Kilberg
had to run slow IMU updates
probably has to do with interrupt handling
looked at integrating lighthouse code, @Tengfei Chang ‘s quickcal code didn’t seem to work but using exotic board which might be the reason
doesn’t work: not seeing any packet being TX’ed by SCuM
@Brian Kilberg to send more info and pics to @Tengfei Chang
@Titan Yuan
inside frequency sweep RX, some function doesn’t work
in IF estimate of a packet
@Kristofer PISTER
are motes alive?
you could try the 2-wire bus to load the code
there is a pin which tells SCuM whether to boot from 2-wire bus or optical. Should be documented somewhere.
Berkeley team to send more hardware
smaller motes?
@Brian Kilberg to sync with @Fil Maksimovic
@Tengfei Chang
QuickCal paper ARTF, waiting for input from @Brad Wheeler and @Fil Maksimovic
channel hopping demonstrated
@Timothy Claeys
update the bootloading through RF