@Thomas Watteyne
@Timothy Claeys
@Jackson Paddock
@Kristofer PISTER
@Austin Patel
@Thomas Watteyne @Timothy Claeys
no major SCuM-related updates from the Paris side
@Jackson Paddock
simulation running thanks to @David Burnett
but runs very very slowly, currently at 40%
@David Burnett suggests to let it run until 50%
@David Burnett you only need to do this simulation once. Ran multiple ones before
@Austin Patel
busy with work
plans: will write SCuM software, zappy controlling leg motors
want to translate SARA code to 2 motors, no firm deadlines
fabrications might start this week
more integration with gripper in the fall?
question about hornet demo
@Thomas Watteyne exciting demo: put SCuM chips on hornets
build smallest possible SCuM device and test it (must be attached to hornet)
send signal from SCuM and capture it (antenna array mounted on drone which automatically follows hornet)
@Thomas Watteyne to send description to @Austin Patel and @Jackson Paddock and discuss this later in the week