@David Burnett
@Jackson Paddock
@Austin Patel
@Kristofer PISTER
@Tengfei Chang
@Tengfei Chang
preparing a SCuM flashbox, which contains a power bank+ rPi + Teensy + a button.
In field, put SCuMunder the Teensy optical interface (coming out from the box), press the button will program SCuM
evaluate direction finding (AoA specifically) over TI CC2640R2 developing kit + BOOSTXL-AOA
BOOSTXL-AOA is an external board implementing two antenna arrays with 3 antenna each array (in total 6 antennas)
Going to use the SDK: https://www.ti.com/tool/download/SIMPLELINK-CC2640R2-SDK to perform direction finding and check the performance.
@David Burnett what is expected from the eval board? For embedded programming lectures.
@Jackson Paddock the battery is back and waiting to be tested.
@Kristofer PISTER we need a new eval board for SCuM to send (lots of ) people to use.
@Jackson Paddock is nominated to build the great eval board.