@Andrew Fearing
@Jackson Paddock
@Austin Patel
@David Burnett
@Joshua Alexander
@Kristofer PISTER
@Thomas Watteyne
@Tengfei Chang
@Timothy Claeys
@Andrew Fearing @Jackson Paddock
new SCuM dev boards
2 boards:
bare minimum
larger board
@Daniel Teal requested
@Thomas Watteyne shows Falco Play board, as a potential option for the SCuM eval board.
An antenna selection chip on the eval board for the tracking hornet project?
@Austin Patel
hornet Battery Testing (part 2) (in a clean room)
have 1.5mA current draw and end when V=1.3
results for different batteries:
416SW (last for 38 min)
421SW (last for 2+ hr)
512SW (48 mins, suppose longer as it has larger capacity)
516 SW (10 minutes, which doesn’t make sense)
521SW (biggest battery 2.5+ hours)
idea of PCB design:
wrapping battery with flexible PCB, SCuM is on another side.
@Tengfei Chang
update about BLE AoA
can get the nRF5340 to receive an AoA BLE frame and read out phase information between different antennas
@Thomas Watteyne update on the Atas micro robot simulator.