@Andrew Fearing
@Thomas Watteyne
@Joshua Alexander
@Jackson Paddock
@Said Alvarado-Marin
@Kristofer PISTER
@Austin Patel
@Fil Maksimovic
Carol Yan
@Razanne Abu-Aisheh
@Alex Moreno
@David Burnett
Action items
small board
@Austin Patel and @Jackson Paddock will be going in the lab to test the small boards
Does current look right when applying VBAT
Does GPIO0 go high
Does optical programming work
Does UART work
Does RF work
we need to rev the small board with a connector for the antenna, so this assembly is just test fundamentals
rev the board, given the specifics, costs close to $1k
@Fil Maksimovic : you could use https://www.goldphoenixpcb.com/
@Austin Patel to update notes
will use optical first, then 3-wire bus with Teensy, then maybe 3-wire bus with nRF
@Andrew Fearing to get a quote from Gold Phoenix
@Kristofer PISTER we should review the board review from @Joshua Alexander ?
would like to use small board for smart bandage project
can I get a small board?
@Austin Patel can build a second board
discussion about reuse the HornetSlayer PCB for the band-aid. MEng team could use it.
@Alex Moreno we have rigid board for Hornet as well (on top of the flex PCBs). Plenty of board to test with.
@Kristofer PISTER maybe we could use a couple of Hornet Boards
discussion about board design
@Alex Moreno VBAT, GND, antenna trace
@Kristofer PISTER : what happened to board from @Fil Maksimovic
@Fil Maksimovic : have design files. Only problem is the contact with the battery holder. Has been solved since?
@Andrew Fearing the XL on the small board is the the InvenSense ICM-20948
discussion about regulator
Should test UART as well when testing small board.
@Alex Moreno indicates had put together battery testing data with @Austin Patel
@Alex Moreno happy to show how does the assembly
@Razanne Abu-Aisheh
working on Atlas algorithm, some finalization on the robot simulator
deadline for DCOSS pushed to 31-Mar-2021
had a presentation about vision for DotBot
@Fil Maksimovic and @Said Alvarado-Marin
lighthouse 2 reverse engineering
looked at the modulated laser from the lighthouse
discussion about inter-symbol interference
doesn’t konw if anyone has been able to decode lighthouse system on a small uC. Crazifly did it on an FPGA
@Said Alvarado-Marin connect to the serial console in the back of teh LH2. You can change the mode of the lighthouse. Extracted full list of polynomial. Dump command.
discussion about Martina and Andreia
@Said Alvarado-Marin
startup voltage of the nRF52840
limit on the amount of current the VDD pin can source 7mA max when radio on, otherwise 20mA
@Fil Maksimovic confirm that’s plenty
1.21 GW not necessary
SCuM receiving LH2 signal - no info yet?