@Austin Patel
@David Burnett
@Joshua Alexander
@Kristofer PISTER
Action items
Planning for visit to Berkeley by @David Burnett and @Fil Maksimovic
Optical programmer boards on preprogrammed Teensys should be readily available in lab. @David Burnett is bringing his too just in case.
Dice packages identified
Current status of die tests are tabulated here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14XAfxGwL6wk_KUb9GTKfo5KeL4-N5aEMuYoCTwm1jF0/edit
Sheet corresponds to one die pack only; other die packs are untested
Die pack should be oriented with the cut corner in upper-right
Die numbering in sheet is, e.g., die 6 is in row 1, column 6. Ignore columns in dice tray that are completely empty.
If in question, use dice that are missing to align numbering
Testing procedure:
Drop probes on VBAT and GND, apply 1.5 V, measure current
Optically program with GPIO toggle firmware
If current only increases by ~30 uA, chip requires vddd tap. If current increases up to ~2 mA, chip is cold boot-capable.
Further tests:
After optical calibration, current should return to ~200 uA
Bare die can communicate with OpenMote at a range of a few cm. Joining a network on probe station is possible but would require 3rd probe contact to perform vddd tap operation and boot OpenWSN firmware.
Bond diagram for SCuM/McCoy is here: https://github.com/PisterLab/scum-dev-board/blob/master/mccoy/pictures/smallBoard_bond_diagram_for_self_testing.pdf