@Thomas Watteyne
@Austin Patel
@Jackson Paddock
@Kristofer PISTER
@Fil Maksimovic
@Andrew Fearing
@Joshua Alexander
@Martina Balbi
@Said Alvarado-Marin
@David Burnett
@Jackson Paddock
Has a working BAG2 script for low drop out regulators. Demonstrations in 65 nm TSMC
Has a schedule for his MS - code freeze 1 week, write for 2 weeks, 1 week for feedback
@Austin Patel
dev board updates
McCoy: nothing is not working
@Austin Patel has some suggestions for changes to @Andrew Fearing
how to operate IMU off battery? IMU VDD and DVVIO need 1.7V, battery only supplies 1.55V
regulator? how to integrate with Anju’s batteries (4.2 to 3V is the range for her batteries)
@Kristofer PISTER : simplest setup to get people up and running → having wire power is fine. PoC with wires is OK (e.g. virtual keyboard). Let’s not try to put too much, do as simple as possible.
battery holder for SR416SW: only SCuM works. If you want to run the IMU, connect an external 1.8V power source to a pair of pins
antenna options are
chip antenna
@Kristofer PISTER : for PoC probably fine to have the antenna trace to a through hole for a header, connect a wire to it.
@Fil Maksimovic agrees, chip antennas on chip antennas should not work. MIMSY is the counter-example. Simple wire on the through hole in the past has worked pretty well. We could so some antenna testing in the Inria anechoic chamber.
@David Burnett : reason for a chip antenna is that have experience with OpenMote chip antennas
large board
shows picture of fully assembled board
3wb programming, power, radio working all works
one issue: if no Teensy or USB, providing 1.5V VBAT (Vin floating), see 36uA current draw, expects 350uA. Same up to 1.8V.
no idea from anyone
not working
1.8V regulator issues
level shifters shift to VBAT instead of VDDIO
level shifter for RsTx has shift direction incorrect
@Kristofer PISTER other SCuM will be taped out in Aug 1, 2021