@Jackson Paddock
@Thomas Watteyne
@Said Alvarado-Marin
@David Burnett
@Joshua Alexander
@Austin Patel
@Kristofer PISTER
@Andrew Fearing
@Fil Maksimovic
@Alex Moreno
@Austin Patel update on hardware assembly
progress on assembling the small boards
50 big boards arrived (with popcorn!)
step 1: silver epoxy SCuM to board
step 2: heat to cure for 15 min at 120C
discussion about wire bonding procedure
@Jackson Paddock is free to help out
Alex and I (and Jackson) are going into lab today to do more assembly
@Jackson Paddock
presents slides on First process corner simulation
initial draft of thesis outline, to be discussion 1:1 with @Kristofer PISTER
@Fil Maksimovic
SCuM, using one of the Q board
wasn’t able to program using optical, will try with 3-wire bus
will try lighthouse v2 with SCuM
enjoying the reverse engineering thread on lighthouse v2, similar functionality to GPS (https://github.com/cnlohr/esptracker/issues/1 )
SCuM cannot receive the bit (FSK modulated signal), but maybe can do energy detect
discussion about the nRF52840 DK as a programmer (https://www.nordicsemi.com/Software-and-Tools/Development-Kits/nRF52840-DK). @Kristofer PISTER to send e-mail. No update from @Said Alvarado-Marin
@Fil Maksimovic and @Thomas Watteyne to test at the lab tomorrow.
Information regarding the supply voltage registers of the nRF52840 https://crystalfree.atlassian.net/l/c/NR69mmu1
@Said Alvarado-Marin
3x lighthouse receiver breakout boards work
details at https://crystalfree.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOT/pages/1196687361
discussion about acoustic cutter: https://www.hondacutters.com/zo-41plus.html
@Razanne Abu-Aisheh
@Thomas Watteyne
hiring 1/2 interns for building 1,000 swarm over the summer, down to shortlist
SmartMesh kits for @David Burnett , and/or Falco boards
@David Burnett
Repeater node proposal, hybrid acoustic/RF for extra-terrestial planet exploration
exciting proposal writing