@David Burnett
@Said Alvarado-Marin
@Trifun Savic
@Razanne Abu-Aisheh
@Thomas Watteyne
@Andrew Fearing
@Austin Patel
@Kristofer PISTER
@José Astorga Tobar
@Alfonso Cortés
@Alex Moreno
@Fil Maksimovic
@Andrew Fearing
DC/DC converter measurement results
New recommended components yield results much closer to datasheet expectations
Much lower ripple when current draw is 10x lower than typical radio current; good news for timer stability
Large cap on battery side (DCDC input) will be necessary when using DCDC with high source resistances, e.g., printed batteries
@Alex Moreno
Printed battery to DCDC to SCuM tests
Planning to revise method of battery current measurement
Expected 16 hr battery life; tested approx 10 hrs w/ inefficient DCDC component choice
@Thomas Watteyne
impressions of MRS 2021: https://crystalfree.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOT/pages/1949237252 (ask @Thomas Watteyne if for some reason you don’t have access)
see videos below