@Joshua Alexander
@Andrew Fearing
@Titan Yuan
@Jackson Paddock
@Fil Maksimovic
@David Burnett
@Timothy Claeys
@Tengfei Chang
@Jackson Paddock the graphic finally works for the simulation
@David Burnett save the dataset to somewhere in case losing it.
@Tengfei Chang update the experiment with Nordic AoA antenna array
Two experiments are conducted
in lab, with distance between Tx and Rx in 10 cm
in front of Inria, with distance of 10 meters
The degree measurement various a lot comparing to the target degree (over 50 degree range variation)
@Fil Maksimovic could be the angle of the antenna array affect the result, suggest to put the antenna vertically and test again.
@Tengfei Chang any update on hardware?
@Jackson Paddock doesn’t have much update from austin and alex, will ask around.
@Fil Maksimovic ask if there is any additional SCuM available in Berkeley.