@Austin Patel
@Thomas Watteyne
@David Burnett
@Jackson Paddock
@Said Alvarado-Marin
@Kristofer PISTER
@Joshua Alexander
Jessica Malow
Jinye Zhu
@Andrew Fearing
@David Burnett both EWSN papers rejected
@Kristofer PISTER cool paper would 15.4 to BLE bridge using SCuM
@Austin Patel research ideas
lighthouse localization work with multiple devices, fingernail localization. Combine lighthouse with inertial navigation.
@Kristofer PISTER mm accuracy is the goal. Lighthouse can compensate for drift. Felipe and Brian did work on this using mimsy on a conveyor belt.
@Thomas Watteyne we could build a distributed legal BLE keyboard with a finger transmitting every BLE period, appearing as one keyboard
@Kristofer PISTER we don’t have BLE RX. So we could for example sync over 15.4
@Kristofer PISTER other example: motion capture using SCuM and lighthouse
@Austin Patel next steps: build a board, discussing pipeline
@Thomas Watteyne could you use a single lighthouse
discussion on chat: @Thomas Watteyne can help build Python script, which we feed with (1) the position of the 10 fingers and (2) the "tap" events and displays that nicely on a webpage
@Andrew Fearing
update on small PCB design
implemented what was in the e-mail chain: remove antenna header, holes for standoff, size of headers, removed GPIOs
@Kristofer PISTER recommends to get the design fabricated
@Andrew Fearing do we need LDO? idea is to have everything running at 1.5V
@Kristofer PISTER programming 3-wire bus from Nordic board?
question for Mark: can the IOs in the Nordic board run at 1.8V?
@Andrew Fearing pins for ADC?
@Kristofer PISTER discussion about Zener diode
@Joshua Alexander
maintaining info at SCuM Eval Board
@Said Alvarado-Marin got the DotBot v1.2 working (video below)
@Thomas Watteyne
Scheduled call with Mark on the nRF52840 work
updates from Falco: video, funding, network
@Jackson Paddock no time, next week