@David Burnett
@Fil Maksimovic
@Tengfei Chang
@Austin Patel
@Thomas Watteyne
@Joshua Alexander
@Fil Maksimovic
traveling to Portland tomorrow
Lots of debugging this week with @Fil Maksimovic @Tengfei Chang @Austin Patel
Solved occasional UART corruption issue. HCLK DAC setting overflow (31-->32) was the issue.
Timing issue outstanding after merge. Channel 11 should work but some channels are being skipped. Issue under investigation.
Otherwise merged changes are working https://github.com/PisterLab/scum-test-code/tree/develop/scm_v3c/applications/channel_cal. Also merged into main branch!
@Fil Maksimovic exchanged 2 erroneous boards with 2 fully functional boards
SCuM workshop Friday
Developing plan to etch into SCM1D NMOS at UW WNF
@David Burnett made small edit to crystalfree front page (SCuM)
PSU represented as part of the RVfpga project presented at https://open-src-soc.org/2022-05/ in Paris next week