Yichen Liu
@David Burnett
@Kristofer PISTER
Daniel Lovell
Eric Yang
@Alex Moreno
@Titan Yuan
@Austin Patel
@Fil Maksimovic
@Yu-Chi Lin
@Thomas Watteyne
@Thomas Watteyne
discussion about project with MOFD
@David Burnett
Testing with Joulescope is up and running
The problem was a ground loop! (Not a surprise.)
First assembling a library of functions to switch on/off LDOs
Goal is to compare with simulation results to find the excess current
General discussion about PCB assembly order of operations led by @Alex Moreno
@Titan Yuan
Update on getting SCuM programmer working on Mac/Linux. Native windows running on bare metal is the only thing that works right now.
Keil v5 necessary, can’t use v6
Proposing migrating build system into https://bazel.build/
@Thomas Watteyne recommends cutting the programming script down to the single pyserial command that hangs and using a scope to see if bits get sent
@Alex Moreno slides on oscillator testing